Tree reports in Hampshire, Dorset, Surrey & London
Harper Tree Consulting

Our Services

Harper Tree Consulting offers a range of off the peg tree consultancy services as well as the option of bespoke services. Below, we have broken these services down into their own categories, but if you need more information, please contact us.

Trees In Relation To Construction

Local planning authorities are asking for this service more and more. The British Standard, BS5837:2012, is the standard that all planning departments use when appraising your construction project’s impact on trees. This is our specialist area, and we are proud of the good working relationship that we have with nearly all of the council Tree Officers that we have dealt with.

This service would involve a site survey of the existing trees on the site and all of the site features. Then, once your Architects has designed a suitable scheme, we would prepare an Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Arboricultural Method Statement, Tree Constraints Plan, and Tree Protection Plan.

Once planning consent is given, we may have to attend a pre-commencement meeting on site with the Tree Officer, and possibly, supervise the tree aspect of the construction process. This is normally done at key stages that have been set out in the method statement.

Mortgage & Insurance Reports

Lenders and insurance companies have a duty of care to their shareholders to limit their liabilities. Trees can be a significant liability, and the insurer or lender will often raise their prices to cover that liability. In many cases the long term cost can be brought down by providing them with a properly formatted tree report.

Harper Tree Consulting can provide a comprehensive range of reports designed specially to provide the lenders and insurers with information that may mean a lower interest rate or premium.

Sometimes these reports have to be supplied at very short notice in order to secure funding for your new home. We can react quickly and, in some cases, provide a suitable report on the same day as the site visit. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more advice on this type of report.

Health & Stability

All trees are vulnerable to some extent. Whether it is that they’re vulnerable to human intervention, or pests and diseases. The signs can be quite subtle some times, and we are experts at recognising them. We can handle health and stability surveys for one tree, or thousands (and we have done both). Our surveys will be followed up by a comprehensive report that can be understood by both professional and layman alike.

Bespoke Services

Sometimes, an off the peg solution just won’t cut it. There are times when we need to taylor our services exactly to your needs. As with all walks of life, requirements vary from client to client, and we are ready to react accordingly. Call us for more details of how we can cater to your unique requirements and we will be happy to discuss the issues with you to find a viable solution.