Tree reports in Hampshire, Dorset, Surrey & London
Is that really necessary?

Is that really necessary?

My clients often ask me if the tree protection measures I have recommended for their development projects are really necessary. The answer to this is nearly always “Yes”.

When a client engages an arboricultural consultant, it is his job to try to make sure that the path to construction is as smooth, and as economical as possible. If a particular protection measure is recommended, it is usually because this is the cheapest and most effective method of gaining consent, or discharging a planning condition. As an arboricultural consultant, I have a good working relationship with most Council tree officers, and know what they will expect, and insist on. Whether it be protection measures, or maybe even a change in the development scheme.

Remember. If you’re my client, I work for you. No one else. My recommendations will always be what I genuinely believe to be the best for you.